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Sub Category : Politics
Two days ago I mentioned to a group of friends who asked for a view of our country’s political leadership’s debacle. I said, in so long as Mahathir is in power he wouldn’t pass the baton to Anwar. Why? He promised bah! Promise doesn’t matter, I don’t know what matters in this case; we’re yet to invent a scanner that can scan the inner part of humans- including Mahathir.
A number of my retired professional friends (medical doctors, lawyers, lecturers, architects, civil servants) alike are at a loss. They started talking about logic, legal, decency and morality- things like that in order to fit into today’s political reality.
My catch phrase is, if we are learning what we learnt from this old man then in the future we would get more of it and would better get prepared. Malay old proverb says, ‘Cikgu kencing berdiri murid kencing berlari’
Except for my politician friends have plenty to say. Not surprising knowing politicians are different breed of animal altogether. The irony is I am talking politics to my students doing political science. They have to bear with me; I am looking for ideas if Aristotle had left something unread.
Of course kupi shop talks like this means nothing, brilliant the ideas don’t count here. Yet as far as I am concerned and with a few others, talks like this are great! Isn’t just about raising our ego among friends but a source of comradeship, one way of keeping our mind active, wonder if we’re living in an affluent society already, are we not?
We don’t need people in authority to appreciate us. Let me say this, we are not paid in our day-to-day maintenance nor do we live on handouts from them. We have done our part in life. We let them share our wisdom if they ask for or if they appreciate it, otherwise we do our own things.
Let me come back to Anwar. He can still be PM even if Mahathir does not give it to him. It isn’t Mahathir’s property. I think Mahathir is ‘lawyering’ now. Who and where on earth a case like this be made as precedent and authoritative for the rest of the world to follow?
No Parliament sitting on Monday according to media. No big surprise? What surprised me is that we are slow to analyse what politicians were doing. Bogged down with the idea that powerful people are correct all the time? Rubbish!
This can be very confusing for general people on the streets let alone in kampongs! The interim government should do something to ensure that public is getting the right information, the interim authority should not get involved in politicking. Government machineries are still functioning and are there to restore law and orders…what is next, I have not been a great fun to anyone lining up for Prime Minister. But for this moment in time I would wish Anwar get the numbers just for the benefit of the doubt or otherwise have a GE another 500 millions ringgit burns for the sake of democracy, worth it?…amdesidik
AmDe Sidik BA LLB MSc LLM_______________________________________________________
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