School Girl(PG13) Read Count : 155

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
There was this teen girl who was very shy in school she has been moved to a new school called talcott this was a nice school she thought but when she got on the bus there kids running and screaming and saying very bad things but this girl got on the bus and she sat down right beside Rachel she began talking to Rachel she asked what was here name and rachel said her name:I'm rachel what's your name (girl) I'm Sarah want to be friends sure(Sarah)if we are going to be friends we need to get!!!(rachel)get what we need to get boy friends I mean why not lol(Sarah looking at a boy in the back rachel looked back to see what it was)what are you looking at said Rachel (Sarah) his name is jacob just look at is red hair and sexy bodey (looking at you know where)Sarah stop said rachel but just look at him🥵 oh sorry what was we talking about the full version on this chapter


  • Feb 29, 2020

  • this is great! read my books and ull be surprised.

    Feb 29, 2020

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