RANSOMWARE Read Count : 164

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Be strong I whispered to my wifi signal,
Then as  I configured my proxy server,
Something was a miss so I grabbed my mouse and moved the curser. What is this, what could it  be a middle man attack using the internet of things, please verify you are not a robot said the robot to me ironically .
I thought.. your the robot verify your not human ,the thought ran through me vehemently.
It wasn't right, it wasn't fair, but I'd been infected with ransom ware, 
My hijacked files are somewhere out there ,so alone and so scared , and for a modest amount of bit coin my own files will be returned as if they were always there .How could this be I never opened any email attachment I use two factor security, was it my wifi camera ,was it my apple tv.
Somewhere I have a security failure ,then I figured it out a little while later
As I traced out the eithernet cable to my refrigerator .


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