Celebrate Life Read Count : 124

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
L=love living daily
I=individuality be yourself 
F= friends and family matters
E= enjoy each day 

You need to celebrate your life every day. Live it like it the best day of your entire life. 
Yesterday gone you can't get it back. So just let it go. 
Tomorrow never guaranteed. It always in the future so don't worry about it. 
But today is here, every time you wake up. It is today, 
T=time to live 
O= opportunities to take 
D = day to celebrate 
A= afresh start a new beginning 
Y=you only get one chance 
Time is not something you can ever get back. So spend it wisely. Don't waste it. 
Celebrate 🎉 each day cause you never know when it will be your last. 


  • I love this peom, it is so true. We should spent time wisely, cuz we can never, ever get it back.

    Jul 25, 2017

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