Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I used to feel like I lock
My real self in cage
Hiding her from everyone
Not wanting to get hurt again
So i push people away
Hiding what am really feeling
Locking myself
Didn’t want to let her fly
It feel like I was trap in
Spider Web
A strong one
I couldnt get
But one she saw the light
I felt Renew
The fear of being hurt
Didn’t overpower need anymore
The pain was gone
The cage I felt trap in
I made it my home
She was no longer scared
She was no longer afaird
She was ready to be free
Ready to experience new thing
The lie she was caught on
Was flying going away
She no longer free
She was happy
The cage wasn’t anymore.
She starting fly her own wing
Starting she want the good in fertile
Inside of bed
Her smiles isnt fake
Her eye doesn’t show lie
She was relax
She was content
She was herself
She was no longer getting
She starting a new start
Learning to love herself more
Each day
Letting her wing growth
She free
She no longer
Have to fake smiles
Because she was happy
The cage she was found trapping
Was helpings her more then she taught
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