To Tell Someone Special That You Are In Love With Them Read Count : 45

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Erotic
you No it's hard to tell someone exactly how you feel when you are in love with them especially when you've had your heartbroken before. but you know i cant help but remember  when we first  met  you really did like me for me  and i cant seem to get that off my mind and it was not up in till you made it home that it all started  to change i dont know what you found out about me or what you seen different but i still see in you what i seen from the jump but its ok im not mad i just wish you could have been honest with me but as a friend in stead of keeping  me guessing i pay attention  to ever thing you just used  this hole virus  thing as a cover up nun of that mattered  when i was working  on your car or any other time and it doesn't  seem to be a big deal now that you are back home eather i remember  when you left for the first time you told me that if we could make it through them 2 months we could make it though  any thing well we didn't  make it and not because  of me youll never understand why I've  been dun like that anuff times i know how it fills so i would mever do some one like thatbut just want you to know that im really  sorry about all the hurtfull stuff i side  i did not mean nun of it so one more time im sorry . i guess im go my on way now just wont to say think you for your time you really  are amazing  women and i mean that i just know you'll just whst you wont and im happy for you i really  do love you and i dont think that will ever chang but not everyone  who comes into are lives are ment to stay but to teach us i really  enjoyed  are time together and im sorry it had to end like this its best  we go are separate  way for now i will be hear if you ever need me or just need someone  to  talk to you know how to reach me .....forever and always. ...Taylor Made


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    May 01, 2020

  • May 20, 2020

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