A Good By Story I Will Never Forget
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Category : Diary/Journal
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Thursday December 5th 2019 10:30 p.m. Christopher well you just winked at me even though I told you not to I am currently sitting here on the edge of your bed as you are looking at me right now tonight is rather a sad night for me I am sure U2 as I will be leaving tomorrow morning to go home for a month and a half I definitely do not want to say this tomorrow goodbye but you have reassured me that everything is going to be okay we will both be busy either working or cruising but I firmly believe these next few weeks will fly by I am definitely going to miss you and already do even though I am right next to you still don't do anything I wouldn't do and don't have too much fun without me your favorite almost girlfriend Kobi Cameron P.S. I think I am falling for you....in love
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