Dating Tip Read Count : 115

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Song for
Chris when he was he was 20 years old he said he asked him if he wanted Jessica to go fishing with them Chris said yes you can take her I don't mind if she goes I like her same old boy same sweet girl 29 years down the road he kissed her and from the picture show then Chris ask Jessica to marry him and they got married and had a baby and the doctor said that Jessica don't have much longer to live and Chris said take my money take my truck take my wallet take my credit card here's the keys to my truck but please don't take the girl then Chris it take me instead take me out of this world but please don't take the girl
By Jessica Monroe


  • i like the Tim McGraw version better. not cool to take credit for someone else's work

    Jul 18, 2017

  • Jessica Monroe

    Jessica Monroe

    I was ritong my on vergen of the song

    Jul 27, 2017

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