LIFE Read Count : 94

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Life is lived everyday in different ways. You can only control how your life turns out not anyone else. Dreams can only become true if you make them. People look at other who hasn’t fulfilled their dreams yet and begin to judge. Why? Who knows? You don’t know their story or struggle they go through or went through. So before you begin to judge. Don’t! Ask the person their story. It shows you care about that individual. It’s ok to care for the ones you don’t know also, it’s ok to ask questions. More importantly it’s ok to ask for help. Your judgement isn’t based off where your at in life but who u are as a person. Some people think they are higher then you in life but let them think that because you only know where you stand. You only know who you are. So don’t judge someone based off the way they look or how they do things. We all do things differently. We all feel differently. So take this and share your story because your story is where your dreams begin!


  • Well said! 💜

    Mar 13, 2020

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