The Heart Of A Demon
Read Count : 111
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
The Heart Of A Demon The very demon in your mind. He mends your existence to fit his own. That very demon has a heart. That demon is sent forth to show dissent and misery. He thinks he's doing good. He thinks you're his friend. You do nothing but let the demon gain attraction and form a heart for you. That attraction is than broken. You decide you no longer want him. He then formed a heart and is casted out by you. Then when you least expect it, it appears back. He is stronger. He is more determined to show you he means well. In reality you're suffering. He doesn't know that. You then believe it's better with that demon. In reality that is far from truth. What should've happened is you should notice when something is abnormal and not romanticize the demon. Do not allow that heart to form. Cast the demon out before he forms his heart. For than it will be easier to get rid of him. If he doesn't form a heart it is least likely to come back. For it is he who thinks he's right. Then you think he's right. All demons know is suffering. You no longer need to suffer. Fight that demon. Cast it out. For when he wins; you no longer are on this world. If he wins it'll bring distress upon your family and friends. Then the demons that has feasted upon you will feast upon the distraught that has happened from the victory he claimed. For when he wins. He has access to feast upon others. For if you win the demon is cast out. He may appear back. That just means you fight harder than before. Every day is a new fight. Fight it with all your night and never yeild to the demon. For when you yeild he may win. When he wins he can feast on those close to you for they will not know the difference of how they feel. Fight to win. That demon must lose every time. That demon is not your friend. His heart is not of love, but hatred. For those that have that demon. Stay strong, for you and those that care. For those who fall victim to those who lost stay strong for the do not want you to fall victim to that fight.
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