The Magical Island
Read Count : 94
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
Once upon a time,there was a girl named Lily.She was 18 years old. She wanted to become a sailor .One day in the early morning ,she packed some food and water and a pillow and bedsheet.She took an wooden boat to sail and she started her new journey.She sailed for two months .Then she got an island.She stayed in the island for two days. She was very kind to the animals . The third Lily heard a voice coming from the middle of the island. In the middle of the island there was a huge tree.That tree was a magical tree.The magical tree said that "Lily you are kind and pure hearted, so I would like to make you queen of this island".Thank you the magical tree I would like to become the queen of island.Lily dress changed into a pink coloured gownand she had beautiful sandlas, and pink coloured necklace and earrings.Lily became queen of the island.