Megillah 01
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Category : Articles
Sub Category : Spirituality
Now in the days of Ahasuerus, the Ahasuerus who reigned from India to Ethiopia over 127 provinces,[Esther1:1]The days of King Ahasuerus Jews were scattered and kingdom of Judah was decimated. Babylonian empire destroyed Jerusalem temple then Cyrus defeated Babylon to establish Persia and granted freedom for exiled Jews to return and rebuild their temple. Some remained in exile and built Jewish communities in the Persian empire.However the scroll today is not focusing on this historical fact which one can swallow it as entertainment, the scroll is giving one reader spiritual food behind the megillah. Yes the scroll of Esther is entertaining history but it contains important truths to meditate and celebrate. Yes the Jews celebrate Purim festival to commemorate their freedom from threat of Haman. This scroll is not teaching you purim procedures but it is for one beloved reader who is eager seeking for spiritual food.My beloved chosen reader , this megillah is giving you the sovereign rule of GOD. Abram named GOD as Jehovah Adonai. HE is LORD our sovereign master. [gen15:2, 8] The scroll of Esther is noteworthy for it's complete lack of any mention of GOD. The lack of reference to GOD actually acts as a literally device to make readers realize that GOD is in every page. Throughout the megillah GOD is directing is controlling and working through all trivial circumstances. Beloved reader you may feel or see analyse to conclude that GOD is total hidden but HE is work right now giving you spiritual food.The Word was in the world, and though GOD made the world through HIM, yet the world did not recognize HIM [john 1:10] Mary cried to JESUS without her noticing that she was with HIM [john20:13_18] A lot is happening around our lives and yet GOD seems hidden but HE is actually protecting us.For GOD's Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of the righteousness, peace, and joy which the HOLY Spirit gives. [Rom14:17]Priestly Praise;O JEHOVAH AdonaiI adore your hidden presenceI exalt only your nameYOU are wonderfulYOU are mightyYOU are my joy in all situationsYOU are the start and the endAncient of daysMay your be blessed foreverMay my lips not get tired of praiseI praise your HOLY nameIn JESUS CHRIST nameDear readers my megillah does not end here, I am writing for another reader the second megillah the second scroll of Esther, I write as priest to please you not myself [Rom15:16], to complete the joy of the LORDPriest Clement29 February 20201400hrs