Castled Read Count : 112

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Once upon a cloud filled with heavy smoke, there up in the sky was big endear place.
One two three  wibdows
One big giantic door locked with heavy metal chases 
No human embrace sounded a welcoming audience for my life. 
I ran away  and came back in my sleep.

There after my dark sight opens to hallway or hynotic spiraling  walls and thousands doors stood apart.

I was stomped by the view and i want out to be outside the door 
The inclusion came falling in as i  blindside. 

The ceilings  were spinning and spin image of crazy if I am alice and the palace committed malice subdue.

I am powerless in my dreams or this is staggering of nightmares. 
I contemptible in the wake of escape but there no clues lead me out.

I am in bound but I am this place prisoner. 
Prisoner of fate. 


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    Feb 04, 2020

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