Basic In Politics
Read Count : 122
Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Politics
It seems we have forgotten how too uave civil discourse, it seems that morals have replaced laws, and basic economics. Do you need a handbook on how too debate? Because this is a handbook on how too debate, and create ideas.
Free market of ideas
There is a free market of ideas, that is impossible too regulat, and the first rule of politics is too enter your idea into that market. You must create a name for your idea, a symbol that your protesters can wave, and influencers too speak your message. If you don't create a name for yourself, your opponent will create on for you, you need something too differ your idea from extremists.
There are 4 groups, right wing, left wing, and, Anarchist, Tyrannical. Right, and left wing have 2 different freedoms, right wing is the freedom too be rewarded, left wing is freedom from consequences from buying. Anarchism is freedom for everyone, tyrannism is freedom for those who provide they can hand freedom. Every political idea can be identified as right wing, left wing, Anarchist, or tyrannism.How too be realisticRealism vs idealism is facts vs morals. The fact that idealism is more popular then realism is why im writing this handbook. The best way too create a realistic idea is too imagine nobody cares about anyone else, and you want everyone too believe in your idea. You must put the idea of creating wealth, over giving wealth.Know your audienceNot all political ideas are for a whole nation, some are for a state, some are for an area.