Here Lies Read Count : 183

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Perpetrated inside
Here lies A wound 
that never stopped bleeding 
Here lies A grave 
that took mass Graves to start digging 
Here lies A freedom fighter 
that never returned home 
those that returned
Returned with forsakened memories of why they even left in the first place 
Here lies 
what was formally known as
a liberator
Who denounced all his virtues to fulfill the ambitions of a virtual perpetrator
Here lies A man that walked on top of Graves 
on his way to his own grave 
Here lies A man that held on for too long 
And was left holding on to nothing 
 Here lies A man deemed to be wise 
And yet deceived & consumed by cacophony of infectious lies 
Here lies A man 
grieved and mourned for days 
And yet for decades
his victims lay unkept 
 Un-grieved & un-mourned 
Here lies A soul 
Imprisoned against his believes 
Persecuted for his defiance against oppression 
& yet that didn't stop him from persecuting others for the same believes that he once fought against 
Here lies A man offended & insulted 
by words & facts of truth people said 
& yet was un-offended 
un-insulted by miseries & poverties he inflicted upon his people 
Here lies 
A man that once fall in love with democracy 
Before revealing himself as a percussion of mediocrisy & hypocrisy  
Here lies A grave consoled by the most passionate markings 
While his victims lay without closure  stuffed in unmarked Graves 


  • laceybeau lacey

    Laceybeau Lacey


    Feb 12, 2020

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