Save Me From Myself
Read Count : 116
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Today weighed heavy on my heart, it would be the last first day I would get with my twin and our friends. We were all pretty much inseparable sense middle school that is until the end of this year. My twin sister was leaving to go to design school were as I was going to school to be a veterinarian assistant. Becca was always more of a girly girl than I was. I liked to go fishing with the guys or camping in a tent and Becca would never be caught dead doing things like that. I turned to my sister to see a darling smile on her face an amused gleam in her eyes as she looked over our tiny group "Are you guys ready for this?" I snickered and shook my head "I don't think any of us will ever be truly ready for this to end sis" I giggled at the uncomfortable look on Paul and Jared's faces, they always hated the first day back at school, it meant that summer was truly over, and this summer especially no one wanted to end. I looped my arm through Paul's giving his cheek a soft kiss."oh relax Lahote it won't be that bad." I could see Becca from the corner of my eye flirting with Embry Call I knew she had a huge crush on him sense we were kids playing in the sand at La Push beach. I smirked at Paul motioning over to my sister and his best friend we both burst out laughing as Becca pretended to trip falling into a surprised Embry. "Oh Bry you saved me!" I heard Becca exclaim as he helped to right her and kept a hand on the small of her back. We all walked into the school with the promise of meeting at lunch. As the halls began to empty with the coming bell Paul quickly pulled me into an empty room in the hall pushing me up against the door his hands roaming every inch of my body. His touch sending small shivers down my spine. I didn't know how Paul could have such a strong effect on me but he had. I pulled his face closer to mine capturing his lips in a heated kiss our tongues dancing to a familiar beat. My arms snaked around Paul's neck pulling him impossibly closer to me our bodies touching in every place possible. My legs found their way around Paul's body as he held me against the wall. Paul had been coming to see me almost every night this summer. Billy had refused to let him stay over claiming he was a "bad influence." Billy left no room for compromise so Paul had taken to sneaking in through my broken window to lay beside me and hold me while I slept. Billy had almost caught him once when he came into my room one night to say good night. I quickly threw the covers over him the light already out and turned on my side toward my dad an innocent smile on my face "night daddy! Sleep tight, I love you" I called out to him as he went down the hall to retire for the night. Paul and I had burst out into quiet laughter only moments later. I laid my head on his chest the quiet thumping beat of his heart lulling me into a deep sleep. Sense that night he has always waited for me to text him Billy was asleep before sneaking in and he always woke in the early hours of the morning sneaking out before anyone could catch him. I had told Rebecca about my relationship with Paul, and knew she disapproved but she wanted me to be happy so she didn't say anything cross about it. She had even helped sneak Paul out a few times when we had overslept and Billy had gotten up before he could retreat. Those were the hardest to pull off but somehow me and Becca had managed it everytime. A soft moan escaped my lips as his fingers snaked their way up my skirt pulling the thong aside he finds my already sensitive bun and softly rubbed soft circles my body responded instantly. I could feel my hips pushing against his fingers wanting more. More what I wasn't sure I just knew I needed more from him. I undid the bottom on his shorts his rock hard member springing free from the confines of his shorts. A small groan escaped my lips, sure Paul and I had, had sex before but this was different we were at school the adrenaline pushing me to do things I had not dare even think about before. Paul entered me in one swift thrust touching the very back of me sending shock waves of pleasure through my body. My eyes closed for the briefest of moments before flinging open in surprise when he pulled almost completely out and thrusting back in as deep as he could and as hard as he could. My legs tightened around his waist my hips moving with you making him go even deeper than before my whole body was shaking from shock waves of pleasure. I laid my head against Paul's bare chest biting his neck hard as I felt myself come undone my juices dripping down his cock. Paul had yet to finish though and just set me down and turned me around making me put my hands out in front of me to hold myself steady, he entered me fast and hard from behind me , my eyes rolled back in my head as pure bliss spread through my body. His thrusts got more frantic each one a little harder than the last until I couldn't hold back the almost inaudible moan I had been holding in. He moaned right back in my ear and I felt his body shaking behind me as he spilled his seed inside of me. We were both breathing in ragged pants when we heard the knock on the door and the Mrs.Murphy's voice call out "once you get cleaned up I want to see you in my office" Paul and I looked at each other my face a deep shade of red, his normally tanned face went pale as he realized we had just had sex while we were at school. His body got extremely hot and I wondered for the briefest moment if he was catching a cold or something.