Category : Notes/work
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Frankly speaking bad policy
Do they have the same political philosophy between Karim Bunjang and Muhamad Alamin? Oop! Let me paraphrase maybe word philosophy is abit archaic, let say political ideology as commonly used in social studies.Political ideology means a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines an example like PTI must be sorted out or education must given free of charge up to first degree level.
Now let me come back and briefly analyse the two candidates in this Praliamentry byelection in Kimanis constituency in one hand it may be a bit unfair to campare, as what obvious between the two is senior and junior.
Karim Bujang 66 has been five terms represtening Bongawan one of the state assemblies in the Kimanis Parlimnetry constituency while, Muhamd Alamin a one term State Assembly representing the same Bongawaan took over from Karim who was dropped out in 2013 GE
Let me pose a few questions to enable us to see their scoring points. The idea here is why must he be elected to represent Kimanis people in Parliamnet. What are their blueprint for Kimanis, for the State of Sabah and Malaysia in general. Since this is Parliament he has to be sitting together with those at Federal level. With seniority in politics and have education at par with, no issue of inferiority complex. People expect participation in any debates.
People want their representative do their jobs, how do people rate contribution by Karim for five terms as YB held Sabah State Assistant Minister portfolio ? While Muhammad Alamin had been a one term though not as long as Karim but has he performed given the same length of time he could over ride, or at par with Karim or worse than Karim? In our common local context who of the two is easier to approach? Who smiles more if smiling matters or productiveness matter most?T
Take one current issue that likely to dominate at this byelection is where the state government to issue PSS – temporary document for PTI abbreviation in Malay Pendatang Tanpa Izin-Ilegal immigrants the reason behind to make identification easier for illegal who are in Sabah now without document or with invalid documents. The Warisan state government announced there are around six hundred thousand of them … to be continued...
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