Chicken Christmas
Read Count : 127
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Childrens
Sarah and Suzie wanted something big for christmas. They wanted an animal. "A pet would do" Sarah said. Suzie questioned" Cat,Dig, or a fish?" Chicken! Exlaimed Sarah. They wrote on a little sheet of paper...
"Dear Clementine,
This christmas we really want a chicken.
We will be good! We love you!
Sarah and Suzie"
Clementine the elf saw the note. She thought that they were being really good.
She said that she would show the note to Mr.Claus. In fact she did. On christmas eve...
Sarah and Suzie were exited to see what they were gonna get under the christmas tree. On christmas morning they ran down the stairs with a suprise. There was a litlle box laying there. They opened it and saw a note.
The note said...
"You two have been really good. Go outside! There is a suprise waiting for you two.
❤-Santa Claus"
They went outside to see two chickens. They were so humbley happy.
Sarah named her chicken Snow and Suzie named hers Flake. The two names fit together to perfectly make...