"I'm Okay" Read Count : 75

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

A blade has been her closest companion for most of her life,

She never got to understand

what a childhood was like..

Ripped from her innocence

at such a young age,

always too scared to say anything.

Cuts up and down her arms and her legs, on her waist and even ribcage.

Bruises lining her body, 

from where she was hit 

by her own father.

Always in pain 

physically and mentally

for not only was she hit, but she was also raped, sexually used by her own family member. 

She closed her eyes at night to try to sleep, and into her bedroom he would creep, 

into her bed, 

popping her a xann telling her not to make a peep.

And though in her mind 

she knew it wasn't right,

she was too scared of what he would do..

So all of her life, 

she hid it inside

never telling a soul.

But when she did,

the scars were all the proof she had,

they weren't enough

so nothing was done,

and closure was gone, 

no justice, no hope of ever healing,

and still to this day

she smiles 

and when they ask, she says 

"I'm okay"....


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    Jan 24, 2020

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