Me And My Family By Jessica Monroe Read Count : 122

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
My Uncle Andy is funny he doesn't have a job right now.
My grandma keeps my cousin Brooks Sun-Times.
I dated a guy named bad dad a guy named Stephen oxendinen
I want in the hospital one night.
My mom is a massage therapist.
I am dating a guy named Chris Carter now.
Me and Chris Carter been together for 3 years.
I am 27 now.
I want to get married one day.
I want kids one day.
I went to the beach last weekend for the 4th of Julyn
I had fun with my boyfriend and his family.
I am ready to go back to the beach. I am going to see my boyfriend this weekend.
My favorite music is country.
I have a Ant-len and Uncle Truett.
My Aunt Lynn is a stay-home mom 
My uncle Truett is a lawyer.


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