A Letter To My Father Read Count : 125

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Dad, you may not be biological by blood, but to me, you're the closest thing I've ever had to a father. When I'm upset you cheer me up, when you can't do something for me you become scared you're letting me down, but in reality, you're helping me realize I can't have everything I want in life, and not to expect everything I wish to come true, because not everything does. You had to leave to Pennsylvania when I was 6, you might have thought you were hurting me, but you weren't, because you're still in my life, even from miles away, even if it's only over phone. You've never failed to be an amazing father, and honestly, I can't remember one time you've let me down. I remember when you went out of your way to send me the hoverboard I had been wanting for months, you've done so much for me, and I can't thank you enough for everything. If anyone were to ask who my father is, I'll say Jeremy Galindez, because it doesn't matter to me whether you're my blood or not, you've cared for me, and been here for me my whole life, and you are absolutely my father.


  • Heartwarming. It is my fondest wish to be able to say such kind words about my parents or to have my children say the same for me. Alas, none of those will happen, they are no longer possible for me, but I'm sooo very glad for you.. in a way, Harmony, I am proud of you myself.. you seem such a good daughter. Thank you for sharing.

    Jan 17, 2020

  • Jan 17, 2020

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