Maybe One Day... Read Count : 68

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
The beautiful smell of flowers surrounds me. A light breeze ruffles my hair. I lay in a field and stare at the sky. The clouds are fascinating. They constantly shift and change shape I wonder what it would feel like to touch a cloud. It would probably slip through my fingers because it's just evaporated water. But would if it was like the movies. Would if I could lay on the clouds?Surrounded by the blue of the sky and the sound of the wind. 
I roll over so I'm on my stomach and pick a flower. I twirl it between my fingers admiring it's beauty. I smell it. It smells absolutely amazing. 
Feet apear in front of me and I look up at who those feet belong to. He smiles at me and reaches for my hand. I grab his hand and pull him down onto the ground with me and give him a hug. I missed him. 
I burry my face in his shirt and cry. It's been so long since I last saw him.


  • Tamara Garrison

    Tamara Garrison

    adored..reminds me of a ride i took with my 2loves

    Jan 16, 2020

  • Tamara Garrison

    Tamara Garrison

    great write

    Jan 16, 2020

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