City...where Beauty And The Beast Found
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City…where beauty and the beast found
A newer city of Malaysia like Kota Kinabalu could have been meticulously planned and extensively researched of it potentials and challenges for its future. Mind you among the most modern cities in the world is Singapore which comes second only after Tokyo and Chandigarh of India another aptly in the group of very well planned city.
Keep this topic for a while. Kota Kinabalau was only declared as city in 2000. It could had been Gaya Island just ten minutes off should it not been razed by the folk hero Mat Salleh in 1897.
British North Borneo Company shifted the idea to the mainland Jesselton was then called. And what the hell is Api Api? It could be a connotation from that of Mat Salle's activities in Gaya Island.
Back, I am just jotting about road around Kota Kinabalu say within the radius of twenty (20) km, I observed for the last ten years or so, the increased in number of vehicles on the road is phenomenal. Ten years ago traveling from outer into the inner city and vice versa say, within about ten km radius would just take under ten minutes now would take between four to five times longer, at peak hours morning and evening situation is worsened.
What factors contributed to this immensely messy and intricacy road networking in a very tight space? I can only think among others are, planners didn’t plan (not much strategised thought for future) Ready problems among them are; steady increased the number of vehicles, affordability to buy cars, social and economic changes every second, standard of driving improved or worsen, standard of living improved in some parts while rotten in some another, not sufficient number of traffic police personal to supervise the traffic movement at crucial time and above all affluent life changed, meaning change is constant. These are but crucial issues when discussing how to minimize problems of city congestion ~amdesidik