Trump Alt-Care Read Count : 213

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
The CBO has weighed in on their assessment of the American Healthcare Act, aka Trump Alt-Care. The opposite of healthcare for as many people as possible. The projections are truly dire, especially for the white 50-64 age range middle and lower class, otherwise known as Trump's base. Trump is already crab walking away from this steaming pile saying this is Congress' plan, not his. He is into blame shifting mode before its' even voted on.

Anyone who has watched this nightmare unfold knows Trump knows nothing about the plan and has had no intellectual input into it. As he said, "who knew healthcare was so complicated". Besides him, no one.

Trump is a disgrace to the office of President.


  • Olalekan  Akomolafe

    Olalekan Akomolafe

    well written

    Mar 15, 2017

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