Slave For The Boy(s) Chapter 8 Read Count : 158

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
Y/n welcome to my mothers grave
(You look at the name and your surprised)
Min suji 
How do you know her yoongi
I just told you she's my mom
But this is my moms grave
Wait what happened to your mom y/n
My mom had me and was hospitalized for the first 3 years of my life and ----
(Yoongi finishes your sentence)
A couples days later she died in that hospital
(You look at him shocked)
How did you know that
My aunt min koogyun raised me and she told me I had a twin sister and we were separated after my mom died 
My uncle min jeonghyun and his wife adopted me after my mom died and told me I had and my aunt koogyun had him he said i met him on my birthday when I was--
(He finishes your sentence)
5 years old yea I remember that 
Min yoongi 
Yes min y/n 
Your my twin brother
Yes you are now do you know why I brought you here 
Yea but one question 
Yes what is it
Why did you bite me
I wanted the guys to think your a half blood even though your a pure blood
Wow nice job
When I bit you I did put my venom in you but all that did was make you stronger and open up your vampire side
But why
When our father was alive he was a wizard and put a spell on us to hide our vampire ways but since Im a boy it only lasted 5 years because when I met you my vampire ways opened up
Yes and when I found my brothers was by my aunt and my cousins and we sent Jackson to watch you and make sure you vampire was dont open but when he noticed you ran faster …when you sleep you could levitate objects and break them so when its started getting that way he made your mind take you to the house everyday so we could watch you too
But what about that day when you guys were home
We decided to interact with you and let us as a family come together when Jackson said it got to bad to keep you by yourself
So Im purebred. ..your my twin brother….and my family is wizards and vampires and it took 18 years to figure all this out..yoongi can we go home now
Yea but wait why did Jin bite me
He said once my venom went in you he was gonna take it out so you want be in so much pain and Taehyng just wanted to put his teeth in you I dont know he does it to all of us its a weird addiction he has
Ok yoongi I had enough of this for today 
(You go home and quickly go to sleep on the couch)


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