The Boy I Fell For At The Wrong Time And Day
Read Count : 191
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
One cold and rainy Friday morning I was at my friends house her name was Caoimhe she invited her friend over his name was Dylan i didn’t pay attention to him at first. He started to talk to me and i just felt my heart racing faster than usual it felt like i couldn’t control myself arround him everytime we made eye contact the i couldn’t hear anything gay was going on all i was concentrated on was his beautiful deep blue eyes that i could get lost in. The strong energy feeling rushed through my body. I was trying to control myself but the bond we have it felt like i knew him my whole life. It was nearly time for me to go home but i didn’t want to. I gave him a goodbye hug and ohh I didn’t want to let go i felt so safe and loved. The whole way home all i could think of was him. The soft touch of his hands and wrapped arround me it felt like i was in some majical fairy tell. A few weeks later my feelings began to be stronger and stronger every single day all i could think of was him. I went to sleep with him on my mind i wake up with him in my mind. He is the reason i wake up everyday. The feelings were so strong i cold t keep it in anymore so i got myself together and told him how i feel. Turned out he liked some one else. That tore my heart into dosen pieces i have never felt so broken before. That is when we stoped talking. A few weeks went by. And i told him how i feel again hoping to get a positive answer but, i didn’t. I should if known. He told me that he is dating some one. After that thing began to slip out of grip. I felt so useless and alone i have never felt like that before. I just wanted to disappear until u felt better. I cried for two days straight, not going out of my room once, i told everyone that i was just sick. I wasnt, not that anyone cares. Nobody had even noticed i hadn’t been in. i was in such dark place but all i could think of is him. I hope she dosent break his heart. I just want him to be happy even if it’s not with me. So i guess i will leave him alone because i guess it’s the right thing to do. He will always have a special place in my heart.
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