Try To Be A Perfect Girlfriend Read Count : 61

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
you're in my heart 

deep down I want to 

be with you every day,

couldn't take you out 

my head 

something inside of my brain tell me I 

should do.

Could I Stop Listen This Mysterious Voice?

attempt to pulled myself out off 

It's not working 

I'm trying to be a perfect girlfriend,

if I disturb you for hours 

 you have enough of me rise

 your anger tone at me.

Would I Find Something To Do?

take you off my mind 

I'm afraid you would dump me 

I love you so much 

don't want to lose you,

I kneel on my knees 

beg you please forgive me.

I try to be a perfect girlfriend for you

the mysterious voice come back 

I listen to this tone of the voice,

Follow the sound 

get into your place.

Could Anybody Help Me ?

I try my best not to bother you 

The angelic tone calling out to me 

it's get even worse.

I'm acrossing your line 

try to be a perfect girlfriend

want to have a good relationship with you,

I'm blocking the sound 

do something else get my mind off

the angelic voice keep on 

whisper into my ears.

Why Could The Sound Just Go Away?

I answer to the calling voice 

I'm going insane 

pull myself out of trouble,

the sound pull me back in

I feel like tug a war.

What Should I Do?

don't want to bother you 

the sound inside of my head

won't go away,

make me feel overwhelm 

by this angelic sound.


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