Alina's Story Chapter Seven Read Count : 53

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Alina who's still sitting in the room falls asleep on the sofa. Malachi notices and looks away for a second and when he looks back...she's gone."WHOA I've gotta go get Zenix and Cosma! His is getting bad!" Meanwhile Alina was dreaming she was on a floating island with a apple tree ubove it. "This is a dream right...then why does it feel so real..." She sat down next to the tree trying to figure out if this was a dream or not when suddenly she heard a band from the other side of the tree causing a half blue half red apple to fall down from it. "What in the world was that!?" She went to investigate but then she saw who was there she fall onto European knees. " are you here...." she asked. " way...ALINA!?" HE ran up to her and embraced her in a tight hug. "Gene...can't breathe..." she was struggling to breathe. "Oh sorry" he said placing his hands on her shoulders "why are you here!?" They asked eachother at the same time. Both blushing they look away from each other. Everything fell silent. "So why are you here" he asked. "Well I fell asleep and here I am." She replied. "Well in that case I'm happy you fell asleep" Said gene with a big smile on his face. "Yeah me too...but how did you get here?"She asked. "I don't remember last thing I know I'm getting tired and here I am...I guess I fell asleep too." He replied. "So this is just a stupid dream and you're not here steading in front of me..." cried Alina. "Don't cry...come know I Hate seeing you cry" whispered gene. "I know you don't like me crying but...I can't help it gene...I miss you so much you were always there for everyone's worried about me and I've been acting wierd..." Suddenly they heard something like a massive bell go off and everything went white. "Hey Alina wake up!cmon you've got to wake up!" Alina women to the sound of voices asking her to wake up. "Oh thank god you're awake! What the hell happened you disappeared again!?" It was malachi asking what had happened. "Malachi I'm fine just had a dream..." she replied. "No its more big of a deal than that you're heartbeat stopped and everything! When you're going to sleep tell someone so they can keep an eye on you!" Shouted malachi. "Now I have to have someone watch me sleep eh...OK then to be honest I could use the company" replied Alina whilst yawning. "Well at least you're OK..." whispered malachi. As malachi left the room gene's staff glowed red. "I miss you gene...was that sure felt real...I hope it was real..." she told herself. The staff began to have white particals come from it. They were beautiful filling the whole room. It reminded her of the life she's lived and how much she's enjoyed it. Just then Cosma walked in the room screaming. "Alina please help me! They're going to get me!" She shouted. "WHOA Cosma what do you mean. There's nothing" Suddenly a bunch of imps came into the room breaking down the wall. "The hell!?" She grabbed gene's staff and tried every spell she knew he had to destroy them but nothing was working. She ran over and grabbed a potion holding the staff tightly she teleported her and Cosma out of her house over to the waterfall. "Cmon we need to go behind the waterfall and quick!" They hid behind the waterfall trying to get some phone reception to call malachi and Zenix "it's no use Alina I can't get hold of them!" 
"Don't panic Cosma we will be alright I still have gene's staff with me and he has a levitation spell so we can go to where ever we want, whenever we want." Alina replied."I guess" 
"Hey Cosma can I ask you something " asked Alina. "Yeah sure go ahead" she answered. "Well...what's it like living with a boy?" Asked Alina. "What you're going to move in with gene!?" Shrieked Cosma. "What no!?" Shouted Alina "I was just curious as to what is like is all" 
"You are thinking about it just admit it you like him don't you!" Shouted Cosma. "N- no I don't you freak!" She replied hitting Cosma on the head. "Owwww...cmon Alina that hurt but seriously tell me the truth I know when you're lying to me!" Shouted Cosma. "OK fine I'll had a little crush on him...but that's all ok" whispered Alina. "Eek! You know I love it when people love one another now I can start a new ship!" Shouted Cosma.  Alina slapped her round the face and told her to shut up once they left thinking the imps were gone they headed towards hers and Zenix's house. "Wow not to shabby Cosma!" Shouted Alina. "It's terrible Alina you don't live here I do I know what it's like" Said Zenix.  "What was that!?" Shouted Cosma. Then they had a argument about if the house was good or not they even mentioned where the sinks were and everything. it got way too intense so Alina went back to her tower to fix the wall. When she got back everything was gone and the wall was fixed. "What!? But how!?" She scanned the area for any magiks being used on her house. When she was finished she found nothing. So she went for a walk so that she could think straight for a while when she came past the waterfall. "How comes whenever I go for a walk i end up coming here.?" She sat down by the water and washed her face. Suddenly the book fell out of her backpack and opened again. It was another message from the pitch relm. "Hi Alina. I'm OK see I'll be out in a few days but just know when I come back I won't be like I used to be ok...I'll see you soon alright goodnight." The book closed and she went home. When she got home malachi was waiting for her in her room. "Oh hey malachi, what's up? Where's my potions desk" 
"Were's too dangerous here" replied Malachi. "Wait what!?" She shouted. "They know where everyone is and it's to dangerous around here anymore we've got to get moving. I've already packed your stuff and the demon warlocks book has a demon proof case it can be placed in." He answered. "About that gene sent me another message...he's coming out in a couple of days but he's going to be in his demon form permanently..." whispered Alina.  "Don't worry about that demon or not he's still gene...he just...looks a bit different...either way it's still gene don't worry about it sis" malachi tried to make her feel better but it still didn't help that gene wants gonna be the same and he could even try to kill her at times. She packed up all her stuff and trapped the demon warlocks book in its case. When they left they all met at the foot of the mountain so they could start lookin for somewhere new to live. When they got around the mountain they saw a small village that goes by the name of the zenith. In this village there's a population of 100 people tops it's quite a small village and placed next to a oasis. They all agreed they would away there for the night and get more supplies. That night Alina an malachi couldn't sleep they could sense too many magiks it was keeping them awake "Hey malachi I'm gonna go see what that is" whispered Alina."Yeah ok im really tired and you know how worked up I get if I don't get any sleep" replied Malachi.  When Alina stepped outside there was a imp standing outside the door. She used gene's staff and sleighed it. When she went back inside malachi was already asleep. "Seriously...he really was tired wasn't he..." whispered Alina. So she went to sleep and woke up the next morning really late. She woke to everyone staring at her in shock. "Guys what is it?" Asked Alina. "You're...different...!" Whispered Cosma. "What do you mean in doffrent" she got up and looked in the mirror. What she saw wasn't Alina ahead had red hair blue eyes and black clothing. She fell on the floor in shock. "What the hell happened to me!?". 
"We all have no idea Alina but Zenix and Cosma did some research whilst you were still asleep and we found out you've had a spell put on you from the pitch relm. "Maybe the imp from last night did it to me?" She asked. "No...something only as powerful as the demon warlock himself could've done something this powerful" he replied. "Then what about gene's mum...I mean she's a demon isn't she?I mean she is gene's mum" Suggested malachi. "No malachi gene's mum was human...if he was fully demon he would only have one form and that would be as the demon he's becoming..." Answered Alina afterwards everything fell silent. "You mean...hes gonna become a demon!?" Shouted Zenix and Cosma. "Yeah...if he wants to come back he needs to become a demon. When I saw his message he was already half way there... it's been nearly 3 months since anyone has seen gene. Only I'm getting messages from him." She replied. 
"Wow a new gene that's gonna take time to get used to" whispered Zenix scratching his head. "It's still gene though don't forget...he hates himself for what he's doing to us but he's still trying so watch your mouth" Alina said quietly gritting her teeth. "OK Alina calm down you know what ahopendms when you get angry! It might even be worse with you like this!" Shouted malachi. "Alright...geez I didn't know you had a bad side Alina. I've never seen you like this before. It's actually kinda scary. No wonder you get a long with gene so well he's always been a troublemaker." Said Zenix. Alina sighs and walks out of the room to get some water. "Zenix don't get on her bad side the last time she got angry like that..." Said malachi. "What did she do!?" Shouted Zenix. "Shhhhhhh...let's just say...I'm lucky to be here today."
"OK I'll stay on her good side then" whispered Zenix. His eyes were as wide as they could go. As Alina walked back into the room everyone stared at her in shock. "Alina is that you!?!?" Hey all shouted. "Yeah guys what's up" She asked. "Why don't you look up and find out!" Shouted Zenix. When she looked up here were red flames coming from her head oh the left and right side as if they were replacements for horns. She twitched her eye when she looked back at the others and started panicking like crazy. Everyone tried to help her out but nothing was working together etc rod of them. "Cmon what the hell is happening to me!" she shouted. "You're turning into a demon Alina that's what. You're actually starting to look a bit like gene but red flames instead of blue." Said Malachi. "Wait what!? You mean I'm gonna be a demon!?" She shrieked. "WHOA don't panic like that it will make you even more stressed out!!!" He shouted. She stared at him with blank eyes. "Also what do you mean I look like gene with these flames?" She asked. "Take a look at the message and tell me you don't then. When they all looked at the message they saw gene with blue flames on his head in the same places as Alina. "Wait what!? You mean I'm turning into a demon aswell!?!? For real what the hell is between me and gene seriously red and blue the same colors as those flames that came out of the ritual we did at his place!?" She shrieked even louder this time. "WHOA calm down Alina not all demons are bad you know look at gene he sacrificed himself to save you that's not bad at all!!!" Zenix shouted. "I guess but still...I'll probably have fangs by the end of this what am I going to do..." she seemed to be calming down as she took a deep breath the flames disappeared. "WHOA what the future hell the flames are gone now!?"She shouted. "Oh wait I get it! You're demon form only comes out when you're angry look you're hairs gone black again aswell 
!" Shouted Cosma.  "Hey you're righ it has gone back to normal. Maybe where I did that ritual I got the same curse as gene." 
"Well we will have to go with that for now...I'm still too tired to do anything else." Said Cosma. Then the door opened and there was a man asking for rent. Alina and Zenix payed the rent for this week and every daywent back to normal. Gene Said he'd be back in a couple of days but didn't come back until a week later Alina was getting worried so she decided to contact him using the book. She said "Hi gene I really do hope you're OK I've got a surprise for you when you get back you probably won't like it but either way please cone back soon everyone's worried about you." After that 2 days later she got a message back saying "Hi Alina I'm free now I'll be out by tomorrow at dawn don't worry about me please and I can't wait for my surprise." (End) 《 this took me all day so far to edit you better be happy with it》


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