Shattered Mirror
Read Count : 103
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I shattered the mirror today.
I punched my reflection straight in the face.
Disgusted by the game he plays,
His blood stains this place.
I shattered the mirror today.
Blood stained the fragments on the floor.
Sick and tired of my old ways,
I still believe that there's something more.
I shattered the mirror again.
My knuckles bare the scars.
I felt the eyes of judging men,
And bore their weight within my heart.
I shattered the mirror once more.
My rage and fury escaped their confines.
Misconceptions of who I am,
Reverberate through my mind.
Today, I took down that shattered mirror.
Stared at the pieces which remained.
I looked at the fragments with a new vigor,
I choose to let go of my pain.