Sometimes Loneliness Can Lead To Sucess.. Read Count : 174

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
It's a real story..
There was a girl in India who actually Was alone...because she was house arrested because she loved a guy who was a cheat....
After seeing how many wanted to see the full story of a crazy girl who got cheated by a cheat boy...i will write a book... :-)


  • :-)

    Dec 25, 2019

  • Armando Diaz santos

    Armando Diaz Santos

    dam u only gave half the story or only a speach.give us the message i want it.u left me in suspece but if u would have gave the hole meal i would have keep coming back regardless aslong as u keeo feeding good stories and vibes that are real.please give us more

    Dec 25, 2019

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