To My Friend Clara Read Count : 56

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
What makes Me happy. is when I can talk to my Bff my Bestie Clara She don't Relize it But she's my Favorite Friend ever haha We are Real Besties I couldn't ask for a better friend Haha Lol She's funny to I Appreciate all my friends But is it enough? is it enough ? no you have to show real friendship Say Hi or call them see if they are ok Say How are you I just want You to know Clara Your my Bestie And My Bff And I Appreciate you :) you have to be there 4 your friends Show them you care and Love them to lol And help them when they are sad Thats a Real Friend :) I'm Very Thankful for our Friendship :) and I know you are to :)


  • aw thanks

    Dec 01, 2019

  • Your Welcome :)

    Dec 01, 2019

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