King And His Sons
Read Count : 63
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
sons name was =Kartik,Krishna
Once an morning the king was talking with two old man was come to
kings palace and ask for helpThe old man was happy 😊 😊 😊
- King. =what help do you want
- Old man=i want some of money for my forming
- Krishna =hoo ,you want help.get out of my palace
- Kartik. =krishna you don't say this our father only tell this help are tell sorry to old man krishna
- King. =yes you say truth Kartik
- Kartik. =thanks daddy
- Krishna=why daddy you appreciate Kartik only
- King. =why mean's you scold the old man
- Krishna=sorry old man i did not think and say
- Old man=it okay
- Krishna=how much money you want
- Old man=only10,000
- Krishna=follow me i give
- Old man=thanks king,krishna and Kartik
- King. =its okay krishna give money okay
- Krishna.=okay daddydaddy
-m.muhammad ashik