Death Day Diary
Read Count : 75
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
"January 1, 1965
Dear diary,
We finnaly moved into the new house!
Its a little roomier, but last night i heard something coming from the attic. Im shure it was just a mouse, but it sounded bigger, more human.
January 2, 1965
Dear diary,
I heard it again, its defenetly not a rat, and i heard chains on the floor. Im getting scared, I'll have more tomorrow.
January 3, 1965
Dear diary,
I heard foot steps last night, they were almost human, but the nails scratching the floor didnt support that, im scared, im calling the police tommarow, I'll give the resaults if i survive.
January 4, 1965
Dear diary,
There was a man chained up with an ax in the attic, what if he broke the chains? He went to jail, but i dont think that will hold him.
January 5, 1965