Dangerous Life Chapter 1 Read Count : 112

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure

Why is my life like this?Why? Why am I soo alone? Why? Why am I the only one who has to go through this shouting every single day of my life?Why? It is not fair!
   Do you hear the shouting every day do you ever feel like this is your last day or do you ever feel like your life is going to end you just have to steep out on to that little doorstep in your bedroom! No Of Course You Don't.
     Your life will never be like that because you are not me. 
   You do not know how it feels like to be treated like a slave ' clean up every one's mess or else you will go back in that room for another night' Ohhh you do not know what is in that room and if you did if you were me you would probably have killed your self ages ago
     but I can't do that because I have a little sister she is 4 years old I am the only thing she has left and I can't let her down. 
    So next time you tell me it is ok you will be ok it will all be over in a few days you are wrong next time think about what you want to say before you say it because words can hurt my life is not a bunch of sticks and stones can brake my bones but words will never hurt me sayings, 
THAT IS EVERYTHING I WANT TO SAY TO MY BEST FRIEND AND ONLY FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD,when she tells me that it will be ok but I can never get myself to say it to her  I don't know why.


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