Read Count : 95
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I awoke from a dreamthe other dayit wasn't a normaldream for meand I woke up in acold, cold sweatbecause I'd had anepiphanyThe foresight to whichI would foreseetook my breath away,and no matter how deepof a breath I gulpedthe anxiety becameurgencyThis feeling that I keptwas the feeling one getslike a baby needingit's nursing,still I chuckle insidewhile I pushed itto the back of my mindand went on about my dayas nothingtowards the end of the weekI was knocked off of my feetwith the ringing of the phone,It was my mama to say"I had a heart attackthat day..luckily I wasn't alone".After this callI would sit and weepfor the many yearsI had given heradolescent griefIf only I could turn backthe hands of timeI'd give her a reasonto be proud she's mineNow I replay mythirty six years in lifeto figure outhow it all flew byAnd as I follow the deathsthrough our generation treeyep,the next is my parents..and then will be me