Alina's Story Chapter 3
Read Count : 67
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Three hours later Zenix finally arrives home still worrying about the others especially Cosma "it's not like elves to act so strangely. I'd better call malachi he's the only person who's kinda sane at the moment." On the phone to malachi he tells Zenix that witches and warlocks can have a spell put onto them called the calling which takes then to pitch relm where they will be turned into demons, and that's why he couldn't stay with zenix. He had to make sure that doesn't happen but theres still one thing he doesn't know is why wasn't he affected by 'the calling' like Alina,Gene and Cosma. Now malachi's point of view Malachi had just finished the call and tried to wake Alina up as she could stop everyone else when suddenly he grabbed her by the hand as if by force just moments later she pulled out her staff and put a restraint spell on him. He was worried about the same timeas her was Gene who was a obviously trying to fight it to help Alina. Suddenly Genes power overcame him and managed to break free."Huh Alina! Cmon Alina please wake up cmon malachi help me!"He looked towards malachi bit the spelling he had on him was so strong he couldn't move his mouth to speak. "Ugh damn it I really don't want to have to do this to you're sister malach..." Suddenly he pulled out his book and placed on top of her chest. This caused strange purple particles to come from her. Suddenly with her still asleep he gave her a quick kiss without her knowing (ooh gene got some secrets). Suddenly Alina gasped for air. "What...the hell...happened!?" She exclaimed. "You...you nearly died...I used the book on you again it was the calling..." he replied. Suddenly she attempted to sit up bit instead she started crying. "HEY Alina what's wrong don't cry!?" He shouted with a worried look on his face. Suddenly sylvana jumped down from a tree branch and ran over dropping a potion next to Alina. Gene picked up the bottle and read the tag that had been attached to it it said *poison* he place it in his bag and grabbed Alina by the hand taking her to her tower where she could rest. "Do you want me to stay and keep you company?" He asked "it's up too you but in my opinion you should go back to get rid of that damn book you know that's what causes this Gene it belongs to your dad the demon warlock" she replied. "OK then I'll go as long as you're safe here of anything ancient mean ANYTHING happens call me straight away!" (End) 《I'm bored so there's gonna be one more chapter later maybe in the next hour so read up before it comes out and just in case you didn't get it THE DEMON WARLOCK IS GENES DAD》