Chapter 1, The New (12 Chapters) Read Count : 140

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Romance
I loved to plant flowers,  like Roses, Sunflowers and more I love nature its so beautiful Hmm. Have I told you my name I'm Dawn Let me tell you about me or about my life.

It began as I was born,  "What is her name?" Mom said, "I know the most perfect one Dawn?" Dad replied, "WHAT KINDA CRAP IS THAT!? DAWN AND WHY IS SH-SHE IS SO UGLY!" Mom yelled. We got home mom dropped her butt on her nice chair,  "WHAT KINDA CHILD IS SHE?!" Mom said angry, "What!? She is the most beautiful little baby I had ever seen! Your just jealous!" Dad said.

16 years later dad started drinking he always was drunk,  did not even have a job,  if I walked pass mom she would abuse me. One day a nice Saturday I was walk passed my dad he grabbed me and tried to touch my . . . you know do I have to say it? B.O.O.B.S. Anyway, "Do not even think about running away, " dad said before I could run away he kissed me so my mouth keeps shut, "mmmmmm!!!" I tried to run but it got even worse if I tried to. It took two hours until he let me go then I went to school 


  • My first chapter of my new story 😃

    Nov 26, 2019

  • uh... cool

    Nov 26, 2019

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