Read Count : 99
Category : Articles
Sub Category : Science and Technology
Much like the grooves in a vinyl record, or bits of information on a microchip the spider is able to produce long lasting and precise recordings of the sounds and activities going on around it.
Her web silk spinnerets have seven different spinners. Each one with a different type of silk that they produce. These are used in an astounding number of complex combinations.
She has one for building the framework of her web, one for producing the sticky trap in the center, still another for cocooning a meal that keeps it fresh, yet another to build her eggs sac.
She has different silks on wich she travels. Gliding through the air or the branches of trees.
I believe that her account of time is more accurate than any. Because of the nature of her silk proteins and the fineness of her work.
she is able to pick up the tiniest vibrations, even a gnat in her web.
This delicate silk although able to pick up the tiniest vibrations is still strong enough to withstand a hurricane unscathed. It is the strongest natural fiber known to man. With hemp running a close second,
So when you see a spider sitting in her web in t
and she is moving her legs back and forth busily Maybe she is writing her own book.
Her account of the things that her eight eyes see... and when she moves about, notice how she will reach out and find threads that are already laid down in front of her.
I do not know if she is reading the spider's webs that came before her or if she is putting new notes onto her own webs.
perhaps she put these there as a way to track her way back to her own web.
I know there must be tiny vibratory bumps and ridges in that web whether she realizes it and uses it as a means of communication I can only speculate on... But somehow I believe that she can hear and recognize voices even in the dark she knows who it is. If it is you or not you. If there is a new person close by she feels it in her tiny hair-like appendages and the spider hairs on her back and legs.