Invasive Light: Read Count : 53

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
Invasive light phenom Uninvited unwanted and harmful light. 
  The information that travels over our air waves and wireless devices Etc
never goes away
  it is forever ,as is all energy.
 Could it be that there is only so much energy and  light that our system is equipped to handle?
 And that possibly we have begun generating so much false or Quasi "non- living "light that it has started to push out ,
and take over any place left for real light to exist? ! 
choking out the life-giving energy we have not even begun to know?,!
    People have a habit of focusing on what they can see, hear, feel,.
 We are sensory creatures. 

Very little thought has been done or real questions answered on the things that are essential to life other than the physically apparent world.

These things affect matter they even create matter, how? How do two non solids become solid ? how can the sun burn without oxygen?  the answer once again is gases.
It' is about the permeation, saturation, combination and catalytic animation. Momentum& temperature
 Forces unseen but definitely felt... In the end we will be like we were when we began,
a massive untethered blackness .antimatter Awash in gaseous seas
causing turbulent movement ...& eventually forming its own black hole. 
A vacuum
 ,sucking back onto and into its self...

 imploding .
recharging .and one day redepositing...
 the non-content contents 
With an unfathomablely violent silence, the blackest lightning !striking ,swirling bright ....bright black black that the light from any Source around it would be eaten, absorbed ,sucked in and swallowed .
I would bet that the gasses responsible for the formation and or continuation of permanent ice on Earth is also essential in sustaining life necessary ingredients components these Frozen gases could also have acted as a long-term time-release way to introduce these gases into the environment and maintain balance. Secondly a reasonable way to ensure a continuous cooling of the crucial friction points within the Earth's layers. As it Continues  to be released is it also being replaced? Or did the thought process not extend beyond this point?  perhaps the experimental Earth Project was not intended to be a permanent one. And somehow we must go back and replan although this is unlikely. It is best that we observe and plan from here on out using what we can to the best of our ability we must have Vision Ingenuity invention and action there's no going back and fixing. Just gathering information and building a future a future that will continue to thrive continue to be alive. When scientists say that they find all the necessary ingredients for sustaining and creating life they are testing and analyzing soils moisture contents Etc they are analyzing physical properties of things. Perhaps it is and was the careful combination of the gases and a sort of vehement  anti or a reverse gas if that makes sense  a conversion
.. a quantification within specific types of vacuums and Atmospheric pressures or lack thereof. 


  • hmmmm

    Dec 07, 2019

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