I Found A Whole New World In My... PEN Part 2
Read Count : 163
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
I cried and explained to my teacher that I didn't know how this happened but she didn't listen. She was extremely furious, and why wouldn't she be? The assignment was ruined and she must have thought that I did this just to get an extra day to complete my assignment. I decided not to say anything in my defense and just listen to her shouting at me, I had no idea how this happened.. The only possible way it could have got ruined was that the ink spilled on the assignment ruining it. I shrugged it off and continued my daily routine, when I reached home I realized that my pen was not with me but I had remembered that I put it in my bag also I forgot to mention that there was no sign of ink spilling from the pen. Then how did my assignment get ruined? It was a mystery anyways my pen where was it? Did it have legs for it to wonder around on its own, noo it didn't maybe someone took it after all it was a very beautiful pen with gold on it anyone could have snatched it when my attention was not there. I looked around for it like a Cat would look for milk or cheese but my efforts was pointless the pen was not found with this disappointing thought in my head I was sitting on the grass of my garden with my head down when my mom called me and said dinner was ready. I went in half minded and ate a few bites before going to my room and falling in bed. As I lay in my bed I was only thinking of the pen where could it have gone? The precious pen my mom had gifted to me, if she finds out I lost it she will kill me. I was just about to nod off when I heard it, it was coming from somewhere in the room but where I got up now fully in my senses and searched the room for the sound that I just heard it was a tiny voice only heard in deep silence, I searched all over I was about to give up but then I heard it again and I now found the source of the noise, the PEN. It was under my bed and the noise was coming from inside of it, I was now convinced I needed a doctor I was going crazy but then I remembered my friend and I had gone to the library and she also heard this voice too.. I carefully reached for the pen and picked it up. I tilted it over to check where the sounds was coming from when I heard, madame we are getting hit by a earthquake! I froze and flipped the pen to its original position, then the noises stopped. Then i thought what earthquake was she talking about and was I be able to control this tiny world inside a pen? So unlikely it was for a tiny world to exist. But I heard it, it was from my pen the one my mom had gifted me, I kept the pen on my nightstand and dozed off, when I woke up I decided to ask mom about the pen and more information about it.
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