Our Wide World
Read Count : 182
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
We often see the worldGuided by our emotionsLife’s Great planetSeparated by mountains and oceansIf deeply depressed we may see the worldFilled with death - destruction-poverty and deseseIf happy and and filled with love- our world may reflect a visionof blessings from aboveIn life there are few absolutesBasically it is a balance of realityWhen emotions control our focusWe ignore life’s totalityThere is both good and bad al around usWe must look beyond feelings to seeWhile specific feelings may surround usWe accept when we judgei-our mind mustmust be freeWithin the vastness of this beautiful blueplanet live it’s peopleAs different as as different could beAll striving through the challenges given to them -to live a life of qualityMany have reached that blessed prizeThey now work at keeping it aliveFairness dictates we can’t use “TunnelVision “To turn reality into a misguided decisionPeace- Hsppiness-Health and SecurityDots our landscape far and wideThe yearing to achieve this is a realty that you can’t hideWhatever you are feelingWhen with your emotions you aredealingPut them all neatly asideTake a good look at our earthDiversified-Far and Wide