Our Wide World Read Count : 182

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
We often see the world
Guided by our emotions 
Life’s Great planet 
Separated by mountains and oceans 

If deeply depressed we may see the world 
Filled with death - destruction-poverty and desese 
If happy and  and filled with love- our world  may reflect a visionof blessings from  above

In life there are few absolutes
Basically it is a balance of reality
When emotions control our focus 
We ignore life’s totality

There is both good and bad al around us
We must look beyond feelings to see
While specific feelings may surround us
We accept when we judgei-our mind must 
must be free

Within the vastness of this beautiful blue 
planet live it’s people 
As different as as different could be 
All striving through the challenges given to them -to live a life of quality 

Many have reached that blessed prize 
They now work at keeping it alive
Fairness dictates we can’t use “Tunnel
Vision “
To turn reality into a misguided decision

Peace- Hsppiness-Health and Security 
Dots our landscape far and wide
The yearing to achieve this  is a realty that you can’t hide

Whatever you are feeling 
When with your emotions you aredealing 
Put them all neatly aside 
Take a good look at our earth 
Diversified-Far and Wide


  • Dec 04, 2019

  • Dec 04, 2019

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