The Lady In The Harrbor Read Count : 225

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Her torch is the symbol of freedom 
And also the unfulfilled promise of what 
freedom should be
In the greatest democracy in history 

A welcoming sight for those fleeing tyranny 
Seeking  what all people strive for
From all across the sea
To live in peace and be truly free

She has greeted those brave souls 
Who fought for our freedom 
Who stood on ship’s decks when tears start 
to fill
Expressing the joy of coming home and the sadness for those who never will

She’s not merely a statue- a gift  from our friends 
She’s a statement of courage that never
 The glow of her torch is our liberty’s flood
The symptom of our country’s-lasting 
 life -blood


  • Dec 03, 2019

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