The Text Read Count : 77

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
@                                                                                     LAURA                                                                                     #*
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Laura: Jake u there?   

Jake:i just found this phone in woods

Laura:who are u?


Laura:do u know where Jake is?

Jake: who is Jake?

Laura: he's my friend and he owns that phone

Jake:should I go look for him?

Laura:please help me

Jake:wats wrong?

Laura:I'm trapped in some sort of basement

Jake:I'll ring the police

Laura:no dont
Laura:i wont make it that long
Laura:its so hot in here

Jake:try to get out. Can u c anything that u can use
Jake:like a door or something?

Laura:there's a door across the room

Jake:try open it

Laura:its open
Laura:ugh it's so hot

Jake:can u c?

Laura:it's like the inside of a castle but so so hot
Laura:i hear screaming... So much screaming

Jake:wat do u remember?

Laura:i was in a car and Jake was driving. I think he was a bit tired since we just left a big party. There was a bit of a cliff and he fell asleep and drive right off. The car was upsidedown in a woods. I saw a tall man standing by me before I woke up here.

Jake:then the car must be around here somewhere!

Laura:c if Jake is still there and if he is alive

Jake:ya I'll check

Laura:if I'm gonna die in here i need to confess something


Laura:there was a girl in my school who I always bullied... Pulling her hair... Calling her names... Even putting mean notes in her locker. But one day she shouted at me IM GONNA TELL ON YOU! I said no u wont! And i punched her in the facd which gave her a nosebleed but she had a problem that if she was bleeding she would need medical attention right away but I didn't know this. She bled to death. I got so scared I ran away.

Jake:oh my god

Laura:i killed someone!

Jake:maybe that's y they took u
Jake:maybe they knew wat u did and kidnapped u

Laura:it's all my fault

Jake:oh my god! I c the car!

Laura:c if Jake is there!
Laura:its so so hot

Jake oh god!


Jake:Jake is dead

Laura:can u c if there is anything that will lead u to me?



Jake:did u ever have a twin?

Laura:yes but she died at birth

Jake:ur here... And dead

Laura:wat!? But how!?
Laura:its sooooo hot

Jake:how is this possible!?

Laura:oh no


Laura:in a hallway and there is a guy across from me

Jake:wat does he look like?

Laura:he has horns and a tail




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