Angel's Sin Read Count : 185

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

They say Love is infinite. Love is a good thing and we all know all good things must come to an end. Well there was a guy by the name of Chex who met this very special very unique girl name Reign. She knew nothing about life. She was sheltered and hidden from the cruel and cold world. She literally thought that everything in the world was good & the world couldnt be as bad as people would make it out to be. They met at a event through a mutual friend. He didnt like her because of how she looked, it was her innocence that drew her to him. He saw the beauty in her before she even knew what beauty was. He already forsaw a destiny within her that could not be explained only imagined. She was fragile and he wanted her all to himself. He persude her and they began to have a connection that was radiant. The bond was strong that he couldnt put a wall or a mask to hide his inner self. He let down barriers for her that not only any other woman but no person under the sun could tear down. the persona he led the masses to adopt was fake. She knew him inside out. They became close and he was dear to her heart but life is strange and it works in mysterious ways. She met a guy and she fell in love. It was almost overnight and although she was in love, Chex was apart of her now. She loved Chex but not the way he loved her. It tore Chex apart knowing another man was taking away the one thing he wanted most from her and that was her Heart. This made him furious and bitter. He never showed it but he had an vendetta out on her. He wanted to ruin her, he wanted her to feel what he felt. So he stayed close and became her BESTFRIEND. He hated how she looked at this otherr man, her smile was different, her walk was different,and she started to walk into her woman hood. He supported her on the outside but on the inside he had a completely different agenda. This poor girl didnt even see it comimg she trusted him. she looked up to him. In the end she always had it coming tho. She was nieve. She didnt know any better, How could someone who says they love her do her harm or have any ill will against her. She soon will find out just how sometimes wolves comes in sheep clothing and the very ones who vowed to protect you are the same people who stabbed you in the back. *StayTuned* (edited)


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