Perfect Read Count : 157

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
The impregnated woman
The egg split in half, thus causing twins. The first twin "Maika" only had her right brain, her sister, "Rei" only had her left brain. Over the years, their friends had decided Rei was the prettier sister ; this left Maika very upset. Soon, Maika learned that h er and Rei were supposed to one. She set her heart on becoming one. 

The Yandere Sister 
Maika picked up a pair of medical scissors then walked toward her sister. "We shall become one. We shall be perfect." She whispered. Her sister faught and struggled, Maika stabbed her. Rei was dead. Now Maika could never be perfect.


  • Bird Yeet

    Bird Yeet

    this is literal trash

    Nov 13, 2019

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