Song Lyrics I Wrote
Read Count : 131
Category : Songs
Sub Category : Pop
Here's to the girl in the bathroom making herself sick, doing everything she can to make herself fit in but when she's on her own drags a razor to her skin, wanting it all to end letting the battle win. Here's to the boy who got a lot on his mind, says he's okay with his head held high but when he gets home he runs in the bathroom and cries. He's getting bullied at school all he wanted was some new friends but now all he is wanting is for his life to end. He can't take no more so he gets a razor and puts it to his skin, runs a bath full and gets in. Dives under water letting himself drown, his brother waltz in and finds him dead screams for his mom and dad, he can't get the image out of his head. Here is to the kids who shouldn't feel like this locked up in a room with parents grasping their fists. Punching and kicking them all day long. Curled up in a corner with tears in their eyes saying please don't hurt me why why why.