The New York Gang (part 1) Read Count : 126

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
      I can't believe it!!! I finally graduated collage with my best friend Jordan. We bought an apartment in New York, and got the most extensive apartment. It has a beautiful view of New York. My name is Camille and I am 25 years old. I never thought I would ever get involved in a gang, but the way is how me and Jordan got in. It was weird. But instead of making you confused, I'll skip to when me and Jordan went to the bar to party, and celebrate us graduated and of getting an apartment. 
      "CAMILLE!!! HURRY YOUR LAZY BUT UP!" Jordan yelled from the living room.
      "I'm coming! I'm coming!" I said putting my tennies on, then quickly bottoning my shorts, then fixed my tank-top and leather jacket. 
      "Gurl, you gotta get over the fact that your brother is dead!" Jordan said yanking the leather jacket. 
      "Hey! He gave me this jacket and blue crystal necklace." I said grabbing my phone. By the way, my brother was killed with a gunshot to the head. He told me that I could have his jacket and necklace. Ever since that I've been a wreck. When we got to the bar, Jordan went straight to the bar to get a drink. I didn't and I stayed on the dance floor. We danced for hours, until I got a little thirsty. I went to the bar and saw two really hot guys checking me out. One was tall and the other was my height. The tall one you could litteretly see his abs through his shirt, long bangs, fawn brown hair, bright sky blue eyes, tan skin, and soft lips. I turned around and ignored them and didn't pay attention to the other guy. 
      "Hey, she's hot!" the short one said.
      "Shut up Sam!" the tall cute one said. I turned around crossing my arms. 
      "Yeah, don't embarrass big guy here!" I said them laughed and turned around to grab my drink. When I finished my drink I went to the dance floor then heard a scream from outside. Everyone ran to the exit when a gun shot was heard from behind the club. Me and Jordan went to investigate to see what had happend and that's when the gang members saw us.
      "Hey! You guys!" they said then knocked us out with the tip of their guns and tied us up. I could feel that I was in the back of a cars trunk with Jordan. My eyes just wouldn't open, so I just rolled around in the trunk trying to find something to cut the rope.
      "Psst. Camille stop! I already tried." I heard Jordan whisper. I freaked out then started to flop around screaming. Then the car stopped. When the men opens the trunk the light was blinding. I couldn't see clearly but I saw a figure of a body so I kicked at it. I used all my strength to break the rope with a knife I had in my pocket. I started to punch then got my sight back and saw something shocking. It was that cute tall guy at the bar.
      "How dare you kidnapp me and my best friend?" I yelled then kicked him. I glared at him rolling around on the road in pain the yelled.
      "DON'T JUST STAND THERE! MOVE YOUR AS*ES!!!" he yelled then I saw two shadows to I used my fast reflexes and karate kicked them both. I wasn't paying any attention to the guy behind me then he grabbed me and whispered.
      "I'm sorry but you guys saw them shoot that guy. We can't risk you telling the cops!" he said then grabbed my phone from my hand. 
      "Ugh. Men!" I said then punched him and opens the back car door and sat down on the hot leather seats. 


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