The Most Corrupt Administration In Our History
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
When the exposed lies and self serving personal connections with foreign governments (Russia & Turkey) of so many people in the Trump/Pence administration over the first 50 days are considered, two things are obvious: 1-in such a short time frame, this is already the most corrupt Administration in our history 2-the Republic does not deserve this circus of treachery, deceit and self serving interests and cannot let it continue Combining this with the clear evidence that Trump and Pence are absolutely incapable of running our government in the best intetests of the people, steps should be taken to remove both from office before irreparable damage is done. Nothing short of calling this a constitutional crisis and ordering a special presidential election will do. The country needs and deserves a "do over" with a new Administration free from the taint of foreign interference and overwhelming corporate influence, the likes our country has never witnessed. God save America.