Read Count : 92
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
12.3.17 7:23 PM Dear Diary, today was a terrible day! I was trying to hang out with my school friends, when my annoying little sister came and statted blurting things out about me! Stuff she shouldn't be telling everyone like that I like Brandon! I hate that little brat! I don't see why mum and dad love her so much! 13.3.17 6:42 PM Today wasn't as bad as yesterday but it still sucked because it was m so boring! Gabbie had to take the day off because she is "sick" she is so bad at faking things! Mum and dad are just fooled by her cute little looks, which I think are ugly! It's not fair I hate being the oldest, and I hate having her as a sibling! 14.3.17 4:57 PM Yes! That little brat Gabbie has Violin lessons meaning she is out of the house for a while! This was a quich entry but I just wanted to express my happiness! 14.3.17 7:29 PM My heart is shatterd. I went to watch the news because I was bored. Thefirst thing I hear is and accident on highway 7 left two dead. A 7 year old was with her mother on their way home from violin lessons when a truck came out of no where striking the vehicle and killing them instantly. I should've apologized for what I said before she left. This is all my fault.