Doomed Read Count : 89

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
The body lay in front of him. The long dark hair lay limp at her sides covered in blood. Her pale face now the colour of milk, she was drained. Her arms hung over her chest hiding anything that when alive may have mattered. Her eyes were cold and dark, an empty room? A blank canvas. 
He wakes up startled by the nightmare, it happens more and more often. His mind seems to love to play with the idea of his sisters death. How he and his sister were abandoned and she was beaten . She died for me ...
He shakes his head trying to get rid of the remnants from the passing dream.
He walks along the road, the bright sun burning his eyes. He looks ahead, a large building fills his vision. Filled to the brim with students, people he hated. Annoying things which talked absolute nonsense. Rolling his eyes, he pushes past them to the large entrance doors, looking blankly at the floor ignoring those stares that he very often gets. He climbs the stairs up to his classroom and sighs as he sees who his new classmates are going to be for that year. 


  • are you going to keep this going? i would love to read more. 😄

    Aug 12, 2017

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